
2023年10月8日—Issue:AfterclickingPerformStatusInquiryontheServerStatustabofLMTOOLS,thefollowingmessageisdisplayed:,2023年10月8日—ThefollowingtableliststhemostcommonFlexNeterrorcodesthatmaybedisplayedbytheAutodeskNetworkLicenseManager.ErrorCode ...,Theuserorhost/computernamethatistryingtocheckoutthelicensefeatureisontheEXCLUDElistintheoptionsfile.error:-39.FlexNetlicensingerror:- ...,Thiserrorm...

"FLEXnet Licensing error:

2023年10月8日 — Issue: After clicking Perform Status Inquiry on the Server Status tab of LMTOOLS, the following message is displayed:

Common FlexNet error codes

2023年10月8日 — The following table lists the most common FlexNet error codes that may be displayed by the Autodesk Network License Manager. Error Code ...

Fixing common licensing errors

The user or host/computer name that is trying to checkout the license feature is on the EXCLUDE list in the options file. error: -39. FlexNet licensing error: - ...

FLEXnet error -97,xxx

This error may also occur if the formatting of the license file has become corrupted. Try having a fresh copy of the license file sent. Depending on your ...

FLEXnet Licensing Error Codes

This is a warning condition. The server has pooled one or more INCREMENT lines into a single pool, and the request was made on an INCREMENT line that has been ...

FLEXnet Licensing error:-1359. System Error

This error message occurs when an Artwork application starts up, tries to check out a floating license and either the license file cannot be found or for some ...

License Manager Problem, Failed to Checkout ...

2023年9月28日 — LICENSE MANAGER PROBLEM: Invalid host. The hostid of this system does not match the hostid specified in the license file. FLEXnet Licensing ...

Troubleshooting for FLEXnet licensing

Solution: The license.config file might be incorrectly configured or empty. Verify that the license server in the <install_dir>/bin/license.config file ...